[jdom-interest] builder.setIgnoreDTD()

Laurent Bihanic laurent.bihanic at atosorigin.com
Wed Feb 6 08:41:17 PST 2002

Brett D. McLaughlin, Sr. wrote:
> Yup. It doesn't just ignore the DTD; it ignores all entities.

That may easily be resolved by using SAXHandler as NoOpEntityResolver (it 
already implements this interface) as SAXHandler has the knwoledge of whether 
the parser is in the middle of DTD processing or not.

The "inDTD" flag is set when the startDTD() callback is invoked by the parser. 
But I don't know if the parser first calls this method with the original 
public ID and system ID and then the EntityResolver or if it first calls the 
entityResolver and then the startDTD() method. Any SAX guru?


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