[jdom-interest] jdom won't work in VAJ (superclass SAXResult is missing)

Xuemin Guan xuemin at appresso.com
Tue Nov 26 07:13:44 PST 2002

Both SAXSource and SAXResult are
Java API for XML Processing package, which now is includeded
in the JDK1.4.You also can downloade it as a individual jar file
from java.sun.com.

You probably mean ClassNotFoundException, if this is the case,
make sure you have Java API for XML Processing package in your


Xuemin Guan

----- Original Message -----
From: "Zhang Weiwu" <zhangweiwu at peoplemail.com.cn>
To: <jdom-interest at jdom.org>
Sent: Tuesday, November 26, 2002 11:52 PM
Subject: [jdom-interest] jdom won't work in VAJ (superclass SAXResult is

> I first imported the whole of XML4J library (said to be supporting DOM2)
> from IBM to my VAJ 4.0 (with IBM JDK 1.2.2), then I try to import JDOM
> source. I got 2 problems. All are in org.jdom.transform package.
> The first error:
> Superclass SAXResult is missing in
> public class JDOMResult extends SAXResult {}
> The second error:
> Superclass SAXSource is missing in:
> public class JDOMSource extends SAXSource {}
> I checked the XML4J packages, there isn't a SAXResult or JDOMResult class
> anywhere.
> Any idea on the problem? Does the problem affect normal use of JDOM?
> Thank you.

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