[jdom-interest] use of global variables

Dennis Rohm drohm at triant.com
Thu Oct 3 00:40:26 PDT 2002

Hi all, I am a newbie to XML parsing and JDOM and have what should be a
simple question.  I am creating a Document object as follows:
Document doc = new SAXBuilder(  ).build(instructionFile.xml);
Within instructionFile.xml I wish to define variables - something like:
DEFINE user = some_user
DEFINE pwd = some_pwd
            <variable name=%user% password=%pwd%></variable>
obviously this is not the correct syntax (unless I am really lucky) .
Is there a syntactical way to do this?  If not, what is the easiest way
to parse the xml doc and replace
instances of the defined variables with there values?  Thanks,
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