[jdom-interest] use of global variables

Norrman Per per.norrman at canovia.se
Thu Oct 3 06:24:11 PDT 2002

Entities, perhaps?
<!ENTITY user "some_user" >
<!ENTITY pwd "some_pwd" >
    <variable name="&user;" password="&pwd;" />
PS. Note that xml is a reserved name. Don't use it for element names. DS.
-----Original Message-----
From: Dennis Rohm [mailto:drohm at triant.com] 
Sent: Thursday, October 03, 2002 9:40 AM
To: jdom-interest at jdom.org
Subject: [jdom-interest] use of global variables

Hi all, I am a newbie to XML parsing and JDOM and have what should be a
simple question.  I am creating a Document object as follows:
Document doc = new SAXBuilder(  ).build(instructionFile.xml);
Within instructionFile.xml I wish to define variables - something like:
DEFINE user = some_user
DEFINE pwd = some_pwd
            <variable name=%user% password=%pwd%></variable>
obviously this is not the correct syntax (unless I am really lucky) .  Is
there a syntactical way to do this?  If not, what is the easiest way to
parse the xml doc and replace
instances of the defined variables with there values?  Thanks,

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