[jdom-interest] Re: [jdom-commits] CVS Update: jdom/src/java/org/jdom

Bradley S. Huffman hip at a.cs.okstate.edu
Sat Apr 5 18:14:20 PST 2003

Jason Hunter writes:

> > > Simplified the import statements to use wildcards where possible
> > 
> > Why? I thought this was generally considered bad form since it doesn't
> > give a clue to other developers as to what is actually being imported and
> > used.
> > 
> > Brad
> Yeah, some people say it's bad form.  I don't believe them.  :-)  I
> believe you should just import java.io.* and be done with it.

I'm just the opposite, while the compiler doesn't care, I view it as a
form of documentation,  but I must admit I'm lazy and use the wildcard all
the time. Jush wish there was a free tool to do it automagically :-)


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