[jdom-interest] JDOM Beta 9 RC 2

Gordon Tyler gordon.tyler at sitraka.com
Wed Apr 23 07:54:13 PDT 2003

John L. Webber - Jentro AG wrote:
> As far as the source code is concerned it probably doesn't matter, but 
> anyone using the pre-built jars with a pre-1.4 VM will likely see an 
> exception like this:
> java.lang.UnsupportedClassVersionError: Test (Unsupported major.minor 
> version 48.0)
> I'm not sure if this will happen with an external library compiled under 
> 1.4 but run pre-1.4. Does anyone have time to test that -- I have 
> meetings this morning... ;-(

JDK 1.4 introduced some changes in the class file format, upping the 
class version, hence the exception. Pre-1.4 JVMs will not be able to use 
classes compiled by the 1.4 compiler at all.


Gordon Tyler (Software Developer)
Quest Software <http://java.quest.com/>
260 King Street East, Toronto, Ontario M5A 4L5, Canada
Voice: 416-643-4846 | Fax: 416-594-1919

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