[jdom-interest] JDOM Beta 9 RC 2

John L. Webber - Jentro AG John.Webber at jentro.com
Tue Apr 22 23:50:59 PDT 2003

Jason Hunter wrote:

>Hi all,
>I just built and posted jdom-b9-rc2.zip and jdom-b9-rc2.tar.gz to
>http://www.jdom.org/dist/binary.  This second "Beta Release Candidate"
>includes the ContentList, AttributeList, and FilterIterator fixes as
>sent in by Brad.
>Since RC1 was well received I don't anticipate any problems with this
>one, and we should be able to have the Beta 9 this week and then think
>about what's next.
>Note I built this on JDK 1.4.1.  I hope that doesn't cause problems with
>JDK 1.2.  It seems to work locally in 1.2 testing, but please write in
>if you know of any problem this might cause.

As far as the source code is concerned it probably doesn't matter, but 
anyone using the pre-built jars with a pre-1.4 VM will likely see an 
exception like this:
java.lang.UnsupportedClassVersionError: Test (Unsupported major.minor 
version 48.0)

I'm not sure if this will happen with an external library compiled under 
1.4 but run pre-1.4. Does anyone have time to test that -- I have 
meetings this morning... ;-(


 Jentro AG
 John L. Webber, Software Development
 Peter-Henlein-Strasse 28, 85540 Haar/Munich, Germany
 Tel. +49 89 462 385 0     mailto:John.Webber at jentro.com 
 Fax  +49 89 462 385 29    http://www.jentro.com
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