[jdom-interest] May I use SAXParserFactory other than Xerces to select parser in SAXBuilder()?

Michelle Lin mchlin at yahoo.com
Thu Sep 11 19:18:33 PDT 2003

Hi there,

I'm trying to let the user to choose a SAX parser for
SAXBuilder(). I'm wondering if I can set the system
property of "javax.xml.parsers.SAXParserFactory" to a
class other than
"org.apache.xerces.jaxp.SAXParserFactoryImpl", for
example "com.bluecast.xml.JAXPSAXParserFactory"?

I tried setting this system property, then use
SAXBuilder() constructor but it always tries to find
SAX2 driver class org.apache.xerces.parsers.SAXParser.
I've also tried to set system property
"org.xml.sax.driver" to what I want to use
"com.bluecast.xml.Piccolo", it doesn't work either.

Anybody tried to do similar thing before? The version
I'm using is "v1.7".

Thanks a lot for your help,

- michelle

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