[jdom-interest] Maven Whining

Rolf Lear jdom at tuis.net
Sat May 19 06:17:07 PDT 2012

Hi Elliotte.

Don't get me wrong, I was just whining ... ;-) I (personally) have no 
immediate push to get 1.1.4 in to maven.

On the serious side though, if you do need to push to maven central, and 
the codehaus process does not do it automatically, you may want to see 
what I did with JDOM....

Between this page: 

and the JDOM Build file: 

Also, there is the open ticket JAXEN-217 which can probably be closed....


On 19/05/2012 9:08 AM, Elliotte Rusty Harold wrote:
> On Fri, May 18, 2012 at 6:32 PM, Rolf Lear<jdom at tuis.net>  wrote:
>> The recent Jaxen release is not on maven.
> Regarding jaxen, there used to be a bug filing procedure but nowadays
> I think that all Codehaus releases are supposed to hit maven
> automatically. In any case, the old instructions definitely don't
> work, so if there's something else we need to do, holler and I'll see
> if I can make it work if it's not too onerous. I.e. if just need to
> fill out a form somewhere I can do that. If it requires a full upgrade
> to maven 3, or some fancy key signing protocol, then it may require
> another volunteer stepping forward.

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