[jdom-interest] Build problem

tsasala at hifusion.com tsasala at hifusion.com
Thu Sep 28 12:42:00 PDT 2000

	I just want to let everyone know that I was unable to 
build the JDOM jar under Linux using JDK 1.2.2 RC4.  Now that
I have upgraded to FCS, everything works find.  Must have
something to do with the Xerces or Ant jar, since those
are the only things that have changed from when I could
compile and couldn't compile.

 	JDK 1.2.2 FCS
	Kernel 2.2.14


+ Thomas M. Sasala, Senior Developer             tsasala at hifusion.com     + 
+ HiFusion, Inc.                                 (W) 703.848.4441         +
+ 8180 Greensboro Dr, #500                       (F) 703.848.4420         +
+ McLean, VA  22102                                                       + 

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