[jdom-interest] error creating new DOMBuilder

Dirk Reiss d.reiss at tu-bs.de
Thu May 29 05:03:40 PDT 2003

On Mit, Mai 28, 2003 20:28:12, Elliotte Rusty Harold wrote:
> Then  how do you know what you get back from the builder? 

I don't really n'know, thats my problem... i assume that he has any problems
instantiating the DOMBuilder, maybe due to a not found parser? i dont really know..

> In any case, don't use DOMBuilder. Use SAXBuilder.

I generally could, but my intention is to get the body from the soap-message,
maybe modify it a little bit using org.w3c.dom, and the use the DOMBuilder to 
transform that into a JDom-document in order to use the fancy XMLOutputter to write 
the xml into a file. As far as i see, SAXBuilder needs a file or a stream or whatever,
but not a org.w3c.dom.Document or Element... That would not be that nice...

Any further ideas? 

best regards,


| Dirk Reiss               |    phone:  ++49 (0) 531 7996276 |                 
| Helmstedter Str. 134     |    mobile: ++49 (0) 162 8925618 |
| D - 38102 Braunschweig   |                                 |
| Germany                  |                d.reiss at tu-bs.de |

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