May 2003 Archives by author
Starting: Thu May 1 04:38:21 PST 2003
Ending: Sat May 31 13:36:36 PST 2003
Messages: 280
- [jdom-interest] Fast Factory
Hallvard Trætteberg
- [jdom-interest] Fast Factory
Hallvard Trætteberg
- [jdom-interest] "very important memory buffer fix"
Vance Arocho
- [jdom-interest] getChild() convenience methods
Dave Bartmess
- [jdom-interest] Element Scanner
Laurent Bihanic
- [jdom-interest] JDOMTransformer
Laurent Bihanic
- [jdom-interest] JDOM in memory schema validation
Laurent Bihanic
- [jdom-interest] JDOMTransformer
Laurent Bihanic
- [jdom-interest] Element Scanner
Laurent Bihanic
- [jdom-interest] logo proposal
Mike Brenner
- [jdom-interest] Speed/memory Improvement from b8 to b9 but no 1.1.x
Mike Brenner
- [Fwd: Re: [jdom-interest] Writing large XML files]
Mike Brenner
- [jdom-interest] Using Xpath and Element GetDocument
Mike Brenner
- [jdom-interest] Re: setters in Format
Mike Brenner
- [jdom-interest] logo variations on same theme
Travis Chase
- [jdom-interest] [ann] New book: Automating Web Tests with TestMaker, JDOM and Jython
Frank Cohen
- [jdom-interest] Generating DTDs
Rodrigo Alves Costa
- [jdom-interest] getChildren more one level deep
Antonello Dell'Armi
- [jdom-interest] getChildren more one level deep
Antonello Dell'Armi
- [jdom-interest] Any thouhgts on what JDK1.5 has to offer?
Adam Flinton
- [jdom-interest] Moving elements
Fabrizio Di Giuseppe
- [jdom-interest] JDOMTransformer
Elliotte Rusty Harold
- [jdom-interest] JDOMTransformer
Elliotte Rusty Harold
- [jdom-interest] Processing instruction map issues
Elliotte Rusty Harold
- [jdom-interest] protected ContentList in Document
Elliotte Rusty Harold
- [jdom-interest] Redundance in getAttributeType() and
Elliotte Rusty Harold
- [jdom-interest] Trimming attribute values before conversion
Elliotte Rusty Harold
- [jdom-interest] getBooleanValue() in Attribute
Elliotte Rusty Harold
- [jdom-interest] Attribute type constant names
Elliotte Rusty Harold
- [jdom-interest] DataConversionException javadoc and other issues
Elliotte Rusty Harold
- [jdom-interest] JDOMTransformer
Elliotte Rusty Harold
- [jdom-interest] Redundance in getAttributeType()
Elliotte Rusty Harold
- [jdom-interest] Re: [jdom-commits] CVS Update: jdom/src/java/org/jdom/transform
Elliotte Rusty Harold
- [jdom-interest] Processing instruction map issues
Elliotte Rusty Harold
- [jdom-interest] Typo in XMLOuputter Javadoc
Elliotte Rusty Harold
- [jdom-interest] Hexadecimal character references
Elliotte Rusty Harold
- [jdom-interest] setEscapeStrategy? for Format
Elliotte Rusty Harold
- [jdom-interest] Re: bloated RC2 files - extra white space
Elliotte Rusty Harold
- [jdom-interest] Re: [jdom-commits] CVS Update:
Elliotte Rusty Harold
- [jdom-interest] Hexadecimal character references
Elliotte Rusty Harold
- [jdom-interest] protected DOMOutputter methods
Elliotte Rusty Harold
- [jdom-interest] Base URI patch
Elliotte Rusty Harold
- [jdom-interest] SAXHandler patch
Elliotte Rusty Harold
- [jdom-interest] Re: bloated RC2 files - extra white space
Elliotte Rusty Harold
- [jdom-interest] [Fwd: Bug in JDOM serialization]
Elliotte Rusty Harold
- [jdom-interest] How about Namespace serialization
Elliotte Rusty Harold
- [jdom-interest] [Fwd: Bug in JDOM serialization]
Elliotte Rusty Harold
- [jdom-interest] Fast Factory
Elliotte Rusty Harold
- [jdom-interest] Additional JDOMException subclasses
Elliotte Rusty Harold
- [jdom-interest] Simplifications in Element
Elliotte Rusty Harold
- [jdom-interest] Fast Factory
Elliotte Rusty Harold
- [jdom-interest] Base URI patch
Elliotte Rusty Harold
- [jdom-interest] Base URI patch
Elliotte Rusty Harold
- [jdom-interest] Fast Factory
Elliotte Rusty Harold
- [jdom-interest] Fast Factory
Elliotte Rusty Harold
- [jdom-interest] error creating new DOMBuilder
Elliotte Rusty Harold
- [jdom-interest] error creating new DOMBuilder
Elliotte Rusty Harold
- [jdom-interest] (no subject)
Elliotte Rusty Harold
- [jdom-interest] logo proposal
Ryan Henderson
- [jdom-interest] logo proposal
Ryan Henderson
- [jdom-interest] Moving elements
Bradley S. Huffman
- [jdom-interest] deprecated methods and other suggestions
Bradley S. Huffman
- [jdom-interest] b9 white space
Bradley S. Huffman
- [jdom-interest] Redundance in getAttributeType() and setAttributeType()
Bradley S. Huffman
- [jdom-interest] Trimming attribute values before conversion
Bradley S. Huffman
- [jdom-interest] protected ContentList in Document
Bradley S. Huffman
- [jdom-interest] Processing instruction map issues
Bradley S. Huffman
- [jdom-interest] DataConversionException javadoc and other issues
Bradley S. Huffman
- [jdom-interest] Processing instruction map issues
Bradley S. Huffman
- [jdom-interest] Processing instruction map issues
Bradley S. Huffman
- [jdom-interest] logo proposal
Bradley S. Huffman
- [jdom-interest] Re: bloated RC2 files - extra white space
Bradley S. Huffman
- [jdom-interest] Re: bloated RC2 files - extra white space
Bradley S. Huffman
- [jdom-interest] Re: [XOM-interest] Possible ArrayList optimization
Bradley S. Huffman
- [jdom-interest] Fast Factory
Bradley S. Huffman
- [jdom-interest] Updates since Beta 9
Bradley S. Huffman
- [jdom-interest] Fast Factory
Bradley S. Huffman
- [jdom-interest] Protected methods to make private
Bradley S. Huffman
- [jdom-interest] Fast Factory
Bradley S. Huffman
- [jdom-interest] Fast Factory
Bradley S. Huffman
- [jdom-interest] Fast Factory
Bradley S. Huffman
- [jdom-interest] Fast Factory
Bradley S. Huffman
- [jdom-interest] Fast Factory
Bradley S. Huffman
- [jdom-interest] (no subject)
Bradley S. Huffman
- [jdom-interest] Jaxen and current CVS
Bradley S. Huffman
- [jdom-interest] About FastFactory
Bradley S. Huffman
- [jdom-interest] Problem building
Bradley S. Huffman
- [jdom-interest] setters in Format
Bradley S. Huffman
- [jdom-interest] (no subject)
Bradley S. Huffman
- [jdom-interest] (no subject)
Bradley S. Huffman
- [jdom-interest] (no subject)
Bradley S. Huffman
- [jdom-interest] (no subject)
Bradley S. Huffman
- [jdom-interest] (no subject)
Bradley S. Huffman
- [jdom-interest] (no subject)
Bradley S. Huffman
- [jdom-interest] Re: setters in Format
Bradley S. Huffman
- [jdom-interest] Using Xpath and Element GetDocument
Bradley S. Huffman
- [jdom-interest] getChild() convenience methods
Bradley S. Huffman
- [jdom-interest] (no subject)
Bradley S. Huffman
- [jdom-interest] org/saxpath/SAXPathExceptiion?
Jason Hunter
- [jdom-interest] Moving elements
Jason Hunter
- [jdom-interest] Moving elements
Jason Hunter
- [jdom-interest] Request for update to JDOM home page
Jason Hunter
- [jdom-interest] bloated RC2 files - extra white space
Jason Hunter
- [jdom-interest] Processing instruction map issues
Jason Hunter
- [jdom-interest] Processing instruction map issues
Jason Hunter
- [jdom-interest] Redundance in getAttributeType()
Jason Hunter
- [jdom-interest] JDOMTransformer
Jason Hunter
- [jdom-interest] deprecated methods and other suggestions
Jason Hunter
- [jdom-interest] setEscapeStrategy? for Format
Jason Hunter
- [jdom-interest] Hexadecimal character references
Jason Hunter
- [jdom-interest] Processing instruction map issues
Jason Hunter
- [jdom-interest] Re: [jdom-commits] CVS Update:
Jason Hunter
- [jdom-interest] Is BuilderErrorHandler redundant ?
Jason Hunter
- [jdom-interest] Is BuilderErrorHandler redundant ?
Jason Hunter
- [jdom-interest] Choosing between JDOM and DOM4J
Jason Hunter
- [jdom-interest] "very important memory buffer fix"
Jason Hunter
- [jdom-interest]
Jason Hunter
- [jdom-interest] update setAttribute(...) JavaDoc
Jason Hunter
- [jdom-interest] [Fwd: Bug in JDOM serialization]
Jason Hunter
- [jdom-interest] XPATH question
Jason Hunter
- [jdom-interest] logo proposal
Jason Hunter
- [jdom-interest] Updates since Beta 9
Jason Hunter
- [jdom-interest] Updates since Beta 9
Jason Hunter
- [jdom-interest] Updates since Beta 9
Jason Hunter
- [jdom-interest] Additional JDOMException subclasses
Jason Hunter
- [jdom-interest] Fast Factory
Jason Hunter
- [jdom-interest] Fast Factory
Jason Hunter
- [jdom-interest] Base URI patch
Jason Hunter
- [jdom-interest] Base URI patch
Jason Hunter
- [jdom-interest] Additional JDOMException subclasses
Jason Hunter
- [jdom-interest] Protected methods to make private
Jason Hunter
- [jdom-interest] encoding problem with xmloutputter
Jason Hunter
- [jdom-interest] JavaOne
Jason Hunter
- [jdom-interest] logo proposal
Jason Hunter
- [jdom-interest] Fast Factory
Jason Hunter
- [jdom-interest] Fast Factory
Jason Hunter
- [jdom-interest] Fast Factory
Jason Hunter
- [jdom-interest] Fast Factory
Jason Hunter
- [jdom-interest] Updates since Beta 9
Jason Hunter
- [jdom-interest] Fast Factory
Jason Hunter
- [jdom-interest] Fast Factory
Jason Hunter
- [jdom-interest] Updates since Beta 9
Jason Hunter
- [jdom-interest] Visibility patch: org.jdom
Jason Hunter
- [jdom-interest] (no subject)
Jason Hunter
- [jdom-interest] Visibility patch: org.jdom.filter
Jason Hunter
- [jdom-interest] (no subject)
Jason Hunter
- [jdom-interest] Visibility patch: org.jdom.input
Jason Hunter
- [jdom-interest] Visibility patch: org.jdom.output
Jason Hunter
- [jdom-interest] Visibility patch: org.jdom.output
Jason Hunter
- [jdom-interest] (no subject)
Jason Hunter
- [jdom-interest] (no subject)
Jason Hunter
- [jdom-interest] Re: setters in Format
Jason Hunter
- [jdom-interest] Re: setters in Format
Jason Hunter
- [jdom-interest] Re: setters in Format
Jason Hunter
- [jdom-interest] (no subject)
Jason Hunter
- [jdom-interest] getChild() convenience methods
Jason Hunter
- [jdom-interest] Simplifications in Element
Mattias J
- [jdom-interest] Fast Factory
Mattias J
- [jdom-interest] Jennifer Bailey/BBH is out of the office.
Jennifer.Bailey at
- [jdom-interest] Jennifer Bailey/BBH is out of the office.
Jennifer.Bailey at
- [jdom-interest] Choosing between JDOM and DOM4J
Hanasaki JiJi
- [jdom-interest] b9 white space
- [jdom-interest] b9 white space
- [jdom-interest] logo proposal
Kevin.Bedell at
- [jdom-interest] Is BuilderErrorHandler redundant ?
Koller, Shmuel
- [jdom-interest] Is BuilderErrorHandler redundant ?
Koller, Shmuel
- [jdom-interest] XMLOutputter indent problems
Roy van der Kuil
- [jdom-interest] Moving elements
Rolf Lear
- [jdom-interest] Speed/memory Improvement from b8 to b9 but no
1.1.x support
Rolf Lear
- [jdom-interest] Speed/memory Improvement from b8 to b9 but no
1.1.x support
Rolf Lear
- [jdom-interest] Unrequested blank Attrib. Namespace for only
the top Element
Rolf Lear
- [jdom-interest] Fast Factory
Rolf Lear
- [jdom-interest] Fast Factory
Rolf Lear
- [jdom-interest] [Fwd: Bug in JDOM serialization]
Michael Lipp
- [jdom-interest] Using Xpath and Element GetDocument
- [jdom-interest] Using Xpath and Element GetDocument
- [jdom-interest] Using Xpath and Element GetDocument
- [jdom-interest] bloated RC2 files - extra white space
Abe Mishler
- [jdom-interest] bloated RC2 files - extra white space
Abe Mishler
- [jdom-interest] logo proposal
Abe Mishler
- [jdom-interest] logo proposal
Abe Mishler
- [jdom-interest] logo variations on same theme
Abe Mishler
- [jdom-interest] logo variations on same theme
Abe Mishler
- [jdom-interest] Re: bloated RC2 files - extra white space
Abe Mishler
- [jdom-interest] XMLOutputter indent problems
Abe Mishler
- [jdom-interest] logo proposal
Abe Mishler
- [jdom-interest] logo proposal
Abe Mishler
- [jdom-interest] Element Scanner
Robert (Jamie) Munro
- [jdom-interest] (no subject)
Robert (Jamie) Munro
- [jdom-interest] Problem building
Robert (Jamie) Munro
- [jdom-interest] deprecated methods and other suggestions
New, Cecil (GEAE)
- [jdom-interest] Speed/memory Improvement from b8 to b9 but no
1.1.x support
New, Cecil (GEAE)
- [jdom-interest] Writing large XML files
New, Cecil (GEAE)
- [jdom-interest] TODO: Get recursive content
Per Norrman
- SV: [jdom-interest] getChildren more one level deep
Per Norrman
- [jdom-interest] set digest off
Leonard Nutley
- [jdom-interest] org/saxpath/SAXPathExceptiion?
Scott Purcell
- [jdom-interest] best way to parse all data
Scott Purcell
- [jdom-interest] error creating new DOMBuilder
Dirk Reiss
- [jdom-interest] error creating new DOMBuilder
Dirk Reiss
- [jdom-interest] error creating new DOMBuilder
Dirk Reiss
- [jdom-interest] (no subject)
Robertson, Jason
- [jdom-interest] (no subject)
Robertson, Jason
- [jdom-interest] (no subject)
Robertson, Jason
- [jdom-interest] XPath on Element, Document, etc?
Alex Rosen
- [jdom-interest] Moving elements
Alex Rosen
- [jdom-interest] Moving elements
Alex Rosen
- [jdom-interest] deprecated methods and other suggestions
Alex Rosen
- [jdom-interest] Moving elements
Alex Rosen
- [jdom-interest] Moving elements
Alex Rosen
- [jdom-interest] bloated RC2 files - extra white space
Alex Rosen
- [jdom-interest] logo proposal
Alex Rosen
- [jdom-interest] Speed/memory Improvement from b8 to b9 but
no1.1.x support
Alex Rosen
- [jdom-interest] Updates since Beta 9
Alex Rosen
- [jdom-interest] Fast Factory
Alex Rosen
- [jdom-interest] Fast Factory
Alex Rosen
- [jdom-interest] Updates since Beta 9
Alex Rosen
- [jdom-interest] Updates since Beta 9
Alex Rosen
- [jdom-interest] Visibility patch: org.jdom.output
Alex Rosen
- [jdom-interest] About FastFactory
Alex Rosen
- [jdom-interest] error creating new DOMBuilder
Alex Rosen
- [jdom-interest] (no subject)
Alex Rosen
- [jdom-interest] update setAttribute(...) JavaDoc
Paul H. Roubekas
- [jdom-interest] Unrequested blank Attrib. Namespace for only the top Element
Paul H. Roubekas
- [jdom-interest] Unrequested blank Attrib. Namespace for only the top Element
Paul H. Roubekas
- [jdom-interest] Unrequested blank Attrib. Namespace for only the top Element
Paul H. Roubekas
- [jdom-interest] Unrequested blank Attrib. Namespace for only the top Element(Solution)
Paul H. Roubekas
- [jdom-interest] Unrequested blank Attrib. Namespace for only the top Element(Solution)
Paul H. Roubekas
- [jdom-interest] [Fwd: Bug in JDOM serialization]
- [jdom-interest] How about Namespace serialization
- [jdom-interest] [Fwd: Bug in JDOM serialization]
- [jdom-interest] XMLOutputter indent problems
- [jdom-interest] Unrequested blank Attrib. Namespace for only the top Element
- [jdom-interest] XPATH Question
Stefan Schoenmackers
- [jdom-interest] Simplifications in Element
Shaun Smith
- [jdom-interest] Fast Factory
Dennis Sosnoski
- [jdom-interest] Fast Factory
Dennis Sosnoski
- [jdom-interest] Fast Factory
Dennis Sosnoski
- [jdom-interest] Fast Factory
Dennis Sosnoski
- [jdom-interest] About FastFactory
Dennis Sosnoski
- [jdom-interest] Request for update to JDOM home page
Spoonauer, Michael
- [jdom-interest] Fast Factory
Vadim Strizhevsky
- [jdom-interest] Writing large XML files
Subrahmanian, Sundararaman V [IT]
- [jdom-interest] deprecated methods and other suggestions
Daniel Tofan
- [jdom-interest] Additional JDOMException subclasses
Gordon Tyler
- [jdom-interest] Moving elements
Gordon Tyler
- [jdom-interest] bloated RC2 files - extra white space
Gordon Tyler
- [jdom-interest] (no subject)
Vadim.Strizhevsky at
- [jdom-interest] (no subject)
Vadim.Strizhevsky at
- [jdom-interest] getChild() convenience methods
Vadim.Strizhevsky at
- [jdom-interest] (no subject)
Vadim.Strizhevsky at
- [jdom-interest] (no subject)
Vadim.Strizhevsky at
- [jdom-interest] xPath //param not working
Verma, Nitin (GECP, OTHER, 529706)
- [jdom-interest] How about Namespace serialization
Bill Woodward
- [jdom-interest] How about Namespace serialization
Bill Woodward
- [jdom-interest] getChild() convenience methods
Bill Woodward
- [jdom-interest] getChild() convenience methods
Bill Woodward
- [jdom-interest] Speed/memory Improvement from b8 to b9 but no 1.1.x support
Zaleski, Matthew (M.E.)
- [jdom-interest] Speed/memory Improvement from b8 to b9 but no
1.1.x support
Zaleski, Matthew (M.E.)
- [jdom-interest] XPATH Question
Sanjeev Verma [CONTRACTOR]
- [jdom-interest] XPATH Question
Sanjeev Verma [CONTRACTOR]
- [jdom-interest] XPATH question
Sanjeev Verma [CONTRACTOR]
- [jdom-interest] XPATH question
Sanjeev Verma [CONTRACTOR]
- [jdom-interest] Problem validating XML Document w/JDOM and Xerces2-J
gary_a_woodbridge at
- [jdom-interest] passing elements as arguments to methods
faria hassan
- [jdom-interest] Using Xpath and Element GetDocument
- [jdom-interest] Using Xpath and Element GetDocument
- [jdom-interest] Using Xpath and Element GetDocument
- [jdom-interest] Using Xpath and Element GetDocument
- [jdom-interest] Using Xpath and Element GetDocument
- [jdom-interest] Using Xpath and Element GetDocument
- [jdom-interest] (no subject)
bob mcwhirter
- [jdom-interest] Re: bloated RC2 files - extra white space
michael.baehr at
- [jdom-interest] My Jdom Application
- [jdom-interest] Fast Factory
phil at
- [jdom-interest] About FastFactory
phil at
- [jdom-interest] About FastFactory
phil at
- [jdom-interest] About FastFactory
phil at
- [jdom-interest] encoding problem with xmloutputter
manish sharan
- [jdom-interest] Re: jdom-interest digest, Vol 1 #1207 - 18 msgs
Last message date:
Sat May 31 13:36:36 PST 2003
Archived on: Fri Aug 6 17:11:26 PST 2004
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).