[jdom-interest] jdom 1.1.2 references missing maven artifact

Rolf jdom at tuis.net
Sun Nov 6 05:26:46 PST 2011

I pushed an update though, but even though I see updated timestamps on 
the metadata and the 1.1.2 folder in maven-central, I don't see the new POM.

http://search.maven.org/#browse%7C-1946144149  - see timestamps
but nothing changed:

The process is somewhat 'odd', and I don't fully understand it.

I'm going to wait and see if the POM get's modified, but, if not, I'm 
not sure how to proceed.


On 05/11/2011 6:26 PM, Don Corley wrote:
> Rolf,
> Thanks so much for your quick response.
> I've created a bug report with jaxen to try to get them to publish their
> code to maven central at:
> http://jira.codehaus.org/browse/JAXEN-217
> I'll watch for your new code to appear in maven central.
> Sometimes when I have a dependency that is not in maven central, I
> publish it myself there. Most open source licenses allow redistribution
> as long a you include their licenses. Instructions are here:
> https://docs.sonatype.org/display/Repository/Uploading+3rd-party+Artifacts+to+The+Central+Repository
> Hopefully they will upload their code soon!
> Thanks again!
> Don
> JiBX contributor (we use jdom!)

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