
Uses of Class

Packages that use Element
org.jdom Classes to represent the components of an XML document. 
org.jdom.input Classes to build JDOM documents from various sources. 
org.jdom.output Classes to output JDOM documents to various destinations. 
org.jdom.transform Classes to help with transformations, based on the JAXP TrAX classes. 

Uses of Element in org.jdom

Fields in org.jdom declared as Element
protected  Element Attribute.parent
          Parent element, or null if none

Methods in org.jdom that return Element
 Element Element.addContent(java.util.Collection newContent)
          Appends all children in the given collection to the end of the content list.
 Element Element.addContent(Content child)
          Appends the child to the end of the element's content list.
 Element Element.addContent(int index, java.util.Collection newContent)
          Inserts the content in a collection into the content list at the given index.
 Element Element.addContent(int index, Content child)
          Inserts the child into the content list at the given index.
 Element Element.addContent(java.lang.String str)
          This adds text content to this element.
 Element Document.detachRootElement()
          Detach the root Element from this document.
 Element UncheckedJDOMFactory.element(java.lang.String name)
 Element JDOMFactory.element(java.lang.String name)
          This will create an Element in no Namespace.
 Element DefaultJDOMFactory.element(java.lang.String name)
 Element UncheckedJDOMFactory.element(java.lang.String name, Namespace namespace)
 Element JDOMFactory.element(java.lang.String name, Namespace namespace)
          This will create a new Element with the supplied (local) name, and define the Namespace to be used.
 Element DefaultJDOMFactory.element(java.lang.String name, Namespace namespace)
 Element UncheckedJDOMFactory.element(java.lang.String name, java.lang.String uri)
 Element JDOMFactory.element(java.lang.String name, java.lang.String uri)
          This will create a new Element with the supplied (local) name, and specifies the URI of the Namespace the Element should be in, resulting it being unprefixed (in the default namespace).
 Element DefaultJDOMFactory.element(java.lang.String name, java.lang.String uri)
 Element UncheckedJDOMFactory.element(java.lang.String name, java.lang.String prefix, java.lang.String uri)
 Element JDOMFactory.element(java.lang.String name, java.lang.String prefix, java.lang.String uri)
          This will create a new Element with the supplied (local) name, and specifies the prefix and URI of the Namespace the Element should be in.
 Element DefaultJDOMFactory.element(java.lang.String name, java.lang.String prefix, java.lang.String uri)
 Element Element.getChild(java.lang.String name)
          This returns the first child element within this element with the given local name and belonging to no namespace.
 Element Element.getChild(java.lang.String name, Namespace ns)
          This returns the first child element within this element with the given local name and belonging to the given namespace.
 Element Attribute.getParent()
          This will return the parent of this Attribute.
 Element Content.getParentElement()
          A convenience method that returns any parent element for this element, or null if the element is unattached or is a root element.
 Element Document.getRootElement()
          This will return the root Element for this Document
 Element Element.setAttribute(Attribute attribute)
           This sets an attribute value for this element.
 Element Element.setAttribute(java.lang.String name, java.lang.String value)
           This sets an attribute value for this element.
 Element Element.setAttribute(java.lang.String name, java.lang.String value, Namespace ns)
           This sets an attribute value for this element.
 Element Element.setAttributes(java.util.Collection newAttributes)
           This sets the attributes of the element.
 Element Element.setAttributes(java.util.List newAttributes)
           This sets the attributes of the element.
 Element Element.setContent(java.util.Collection newContent)
          This sets the content of the element.
 Element Element.setContent(Content child)
          Set this element's content to be the supplied child.
 Element Element.setContent(int index, Content child)
          Replace the current child the given index with the supplied child.
 Element Element.setName(java.lang.String name)
          Sets the (local) name of the element.
 Element Element.setNamespace(Namespace namespace)
          Sets the element's Namespace.
 Element Element.setText(java.lang.String text)
          Sets the content of the element to be the text given.

Methods in org.jdom with parameters of type Element
 void UncheckedJDOMFactory.addNamespaceDeclaration(Element parent, Namespace additional)
 void JDOMFactory.addNamespaceDeclaration(Element element, Namespace additional)
 void DefaultJDOMFactory.addNamespaceDeclaration(Element parent, Namespace additional)
static java.lang.String Verifier.checkNamespaceCollision(Attribute attribute, Element element)
          Check if Attribute's namespace collides with a Element's namespace.
static java.lang.String Verifier.checkNamespaceCollision(Namespace namespace, Element element)
          Check if a Namespace collides with a Element's namespace.
 Document UncheckedJDOMFactory.document(Element rootElement)
 Document JDOMFactory.document(Element rootElement)
          This will create a new Document, with the supplied Element as the root element, and no DocType declaration.
 Document DefaultJDOMFactory.document(Element rootElement)
 Document UncheckedJDOMFactory.document(Element rootElement, DocType docType)
 Document JDOMFactory.document(Element rootElement, DocType docType)
          This will create a new Document, with the supplied Element as the root element and the supplied DocType declaration.
 Document DefaultJDOMFactory.document(Element rootElement, DocType docType)
 Document UncheckedJDOMFactory.document(Element rootElement, DocType docType, java.lang.String baseURI)
 Document JDOMFactory.document(Element rootElement, DocType docType, java.lang.String baseURI)
          This will create a new Document, with the supplied Element as the root element and the supplied DocType declaration.
 Document DefaultJDOMFactory.document(Element rootElement, DocType docType, java.lang.String baseURI)
 boolean Element.isAncestor(Element element)
          Determines if this element is the ancestor of another element.
 void UncheckedJDOMFactory.setAttribute(Element parent, Attribute a)
 void JDOMFactory.setAttribute(Element element, Attribute a)
 void DefaultJDOMFactory.setAttribute(Element parent, Attribute a)
protected  Attribute Attribute.setParent(Element parent)
          This will set the parent of this Attribute.
 Document Document.setRootElement(Element rootElement)
          This sets the root Element for the Document.

Constructors in org.jdom with parameters of type Element
Document(Element rootElement)
          This will create a new Document, with the supplied Element as the root element, and no DocType declaration.
Document(Element rootElement, DocType docType)
          This will create a new Document, with the supplied Element as the root element and the supplied DocType declaration.
Document(Element rootElement, DocType docType, java.lang.String baseURI)
          This will create a new Document, with the supplied Element as the root element, the supplied DocType declaration, and the specified base URI.

Uses of Element in org.jdom.input

Methods in org.jdom.input that return Element
 Element DOMBuilder.build(org.w3c.dom.Element domElement)
          This will build a JDOM Element from an existing DOM Element
 Element SAXHandler.getCurrentElement()
          Returns the being-parsed element.

Methods in org.jdom.input with parameters of type Element
protected  void SAXHandler.pushElement(Element element)
          Pushes an element onto the tree under construction.

Uses of Element in org.jdom.output

Methods in org.jdom.output with parameters of type Element
 void SAXOutputter.output(Element node)
          This will output a single JDOM element as a document, firing off the SAX events that have been registered.
 void XMLOutputter.output(Element element, java.io.OutputStream out)
          Print out an Element, including its Attributes, and all contained (child) elements, etc.
 void XMLOutputter.output(Element element, java.io.Writer out)
          Print out an Element, including its Attributes, and all contained (child) elements, etc.
 void XMLOutputter.outputElementContent(Element element, java.io.OutputStream out)
          This will handle printing out an Element's content only, not including its tag, and attributes.
 void XMLOutputter.outputElementContent(Element element, java.io.Writer out)
          This will handle printing out an Element's content only, not including its tag, and attributes.
 java.lang.String XMLOutputter.outputString(Element element)
          Return a string representing an element.
protected  void XMLOutputter.printAttributes(java.io.Writer out, java.util.List attributes, Element parent, XMLOutputter.NamespaceStack namespaces)
          This will handle printing of a Attribute list.
protected  void XMLOutputter.printElement(java.io.Writer out, Element element, int level, XMLOutputter.NamespaceStack namespaces)
          This will handle printing of a Element, its Attributes, and all contained (child) elements, etc.

Uses of Element in org.jdom.transform

Constructors in org.jdom.transform with parameters of type Element
JDOMSource(Element source)
          Creates a JDOM TrAX source wrapping a JDOM element.


Copyright © 2011 Jason Hunter, Brett McLaughlin. All Rights Reserved.